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Smoking Cannabis - Their Benefits and Risks

Smoking cannabis is the classical method of marijuana delivery. It has long been thought that marijuana posed a health risk if smoked. A recent study found no association between marijuana smoking and lung cancer, yet smoke is still irritating to the throat and lungs and can cause bronchial inflammation and a cough if overused for an extended amount of time.

Cannabis can be smoked in a variety of ways such as rolled into a joint, in a pipe, or out of a water piece. While using water to filter the smoke helps reduce irritation, the smoke is inhaled deeper into the lungs than in other forms, posing a risk over time with extensive overuse. Smoked forms of cannabis that are concentrated, include keif, hash and hash oil produce a much stronger effect that flower alone. The cannabis is inhaled, medicinal compounds pass through the lungs into the bloodstream with a very rapid, almost immediate effect.

How smoke is absorbed into system:

When smoke is inhaled into the lungs the blood, which transports oxygen to all parts of the body through the circulatory system when we breath, instead locks onto the cannabinoid compounds. The blood carries the compounds throughout the body, depositing them at various places like it would do with oxygen.


  • most well known and easiest to obtain
  • rapid onset in 1-5 minutes
  • convenient, no preparation needed
  • portable
  • simple method, easy to do
  • can select the strain of cannabis desired
  • least costly for equipment


  • produces smoke – negative health effects and can draw attention
  • can cause bronchial inflammation with overuse
  • can cause cough with overuse
  • may be too short-acting for some conditions: 3-4 hours

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