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Cannabis & Preventative Health

Most people know that cannabis is a plant that grows naturally. I don’t think many people have stopped to consider why cannabis has such a more potent effect than other herbs.

Preventative health care has always been a part of my life. I find myself lucky to have exposure to natural and alternative health approaches as I’ve become older and realized how many people never knew of the many options available. The medical system in America has shifted over the past 150 years to being almost purely western medicine. While the western  approach to health has provided miraculous and life saving medicines and surgical procedures, there is one significant drawback in this shift. Many medical conditions can be prevented using preventative health care.

Prevention through natural and alternative treatments is now gaining popularity, but the traditional sequence for western medicine is to treat the condition, often just by managing the symptoms, once it has already developed to a point of severity. Sometimes the treatment is highly effective and everything works out. Although medical care providers have the best intentions in their hearts, the rapidness of medical development poses the risk of unforeseen negative consequences. The opioid crisis is a strong example of this risk.

Many eastern civilizations still utilize preventative healthcare as a primary approach to health. The absence of highly processed foods and consumption of immune boosting and inflammation reducing herbs from a young age can be paramount in preventing common conditions in America such as diabetes. I could go on about any number of herbs and alternative healthcare methods but I will stick to the subject of cannabis and preventative health care.

Most people know that cannabis is a plant that grows naturally. I don’t think many people have stopped to consider why cannabis has such a more potent effect than other herbs.

The strength of the effects of cannabis are due to the endocannabinoid system. A system that contains special receptors for cannabinoids and spreads throughout the entire body, affecting various functions and body responses. It is my belief that the anti-inflammatory, stress relieving and immune boosting properties of cannabis can provide the body with a huge amount of support when it comes to maintaining homeostatis in both physical and mental health.

Inflammation is a natural body response. When harmed the body will become inflamed which can cause swelling, pain and decreased circulation. Although the body is trying to help address the issue it often leads to more medical conditions. If inflammation and healthy bloodflow is controlled on a regular basis many conditions would take longer to develop or spread such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions.

Another natural but often harmful response is stress. Many Americans live in a constant state of stress. Stress can weaken the immune system and affect mental health. Cannabis is known to be a stress reducer and anxiety reliever for many people, myself included. I personally prefer cannabis to any other stress relieving substance as the cannabis does not impact my health negatively in order to address the initial problem. Once a tolerance to THC is built, or when using CBD rich products, there is no hindrance on daily activities and no unexpected side effects.

Cannabis has been used for hundreds of years by civilizations around the world to maintain physical health and spiritual acceptance, in other words mental health. Over hundreds of years of use there have been no persisting accounts of harmful consequences, but rather an increasing respect for the powers of this particular plant. I truly believe that cannabis is on the forefront of the return of western medicine to a more balanced and practical approach to health.

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