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Building a Tolerance for Cannabis

Another issue for daily THC consumers is THC withdrawal symptoms.

Like any other chemical substance, our bodies can build a tolerance for cannabinoids. When consuming THC for the first time many people tend to overdo it by taking a “standard dose” of 10mg, or by smoking a far too potent flower or joint. In these instances THC can seem like an unbelievably powerful drug. For people who go through this experience it may seem shocking that anyone would consider smoking in public or in a social setting. However, people who consume cannabis daily build up a tolerance to cannabis as their CB1 receptors desensatize to cannabinoids as a natural regulatory response.

Similar to alcohol, someone who rarely drinks may feel very tipsy after one drink, while someone who drinks nightly can drink multiple drinks and feel just a slight buzz. From my personal experience as a daily consumer, when I smoke I don’t feel any disorientation whatsoever, but rather a sense of relaxation and stress-relief. I make this point to hopefully alleviate some of the concern for those who have had an unpleasant cannabis experience, and may have gained a tainted perception of the effects of cannabis on others due to their experience.

While frequent use of cannabis is not unhealthy, if done responsibly and in appropriate doses, building a tolerance can have it’s drawbacks. For example, people who use cannabis daily as a pain reliever, whether they use THC or CBD, over time will need to continually increase their dose. A “cannabis holiday” can help control tolerance buildup, but for some that is not an option. Taking large doses is not a bad or unhealthy thing to do when needed although the high cost of cannabis can present a serious issue.

Another issue for daily THC consumers is THC withdrawal symptoms.

Although not dangerous to the body, stopping the daily introduction of THC to the body can be very uncomfortable. Some of the most common symptoms are irritability, lack of patience, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping with occasional physical symptoms such as body aches and sweating or chills. The symptoms only last a few days on average, however the change in method of coping with stress or pain may require a “retraining” of the brain which can be the biggest challenge for some users.

In conclusion, it is important to know that every user has a different tolerance level. It is not accurate to assume someone who is using cannabis has the same experience you may have had. It is also important to know that while cannabis is a healthy alternative to anxiety medication, sleeping pills and anti-inflammatory pills, the body builds a tolerance and larger doses may be needed over time. A “cannabis holiday” of one day a week, or one week every two months can greatly help reduce tolerance levels. If a daily user has to refrain from cannabis use they may experience some withdrawal symptoms, but the physical symptoms should subside within three days to a week.

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