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Hemp Derived CBD Vs. Cannabis Derived CBD

This is a topic I am truly passionate about. I’ve watched the development of the Hemp CBD industry explode over the past years following the legalization of Hemp CBD on a federal level at the end of 2018. The hemp plant and cannabis plant are closely related but vastly different, enough to have different designated names. Industrial hemp produces some CBD, and an almost nonexistent amount of the other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.

Not many people know that cannabis produces over 100 known cannabinoids that each present new opportunities for healthcare.

Hemp-derived CBD is the same as cannabis-derived CBD, however, there are some serious differences in the agricultural, sourcing, and regulatory methods for the two forms of the plant. Industrial hemp can be sold anywhere as a general supplement, while full-spectrum cannabis-derived CBD can only be sold in licensed dispensaries. Every product sold by a dispensary in California must undergo strict testing and have sourcing records. Cannabis products are tested for cannabinoid content, pesticides, molds, mycotoxins and heavy metals to ensure purity, safety and concentration. In addition, all cannabis products must be sourced within California.

Hemp CBD products are not subject to the same testing standards and can be sourced from anywhere in the world. Although hemp CBD can be grown sustainably and organically a vast majority is produced in mass industrial farms. By harvest time the plants look similar to a forest of bamboo shoots. Most processors use the entire plant, leaving me with a concern regarding the heavy metal contents of the final product.

The most discouraging fact about hemp CBD products is the uncertainty of cannabinoid content. A product could claim to have a high milligram content of CBD but it can’t be proven without testing. I’ve even seen products that give the milligram content of hemp seed extract although no cannabinoids are present in the seed. Another issue when it comes to the comparison of cannabis-derived CBD and hemp CBD is the recommended dose.

Most hemp products claim to have a very high content of CBD with recommended doses of up to 100mg at a time. Without education on the differences in strength and security, a consumer may be put off by the high cost and seemingly low potency of cannabis-derived full-spectrum CBD.

The level of effectiveness is so different that an appropriate dose of CBD may be 15mg compared to 100mg, with far less risk of long-term harm. The difference in effectiveness is mostly due to the symbiotic effect of the various cannabinoids in the plant. A small amount of THC, such as an 18:1 CBD to THC ratio product will be vastly different from even a CBD isolate from the cannabis plant. In conclusion, hemp-derived CBD is untested and not as effective or reliable as full-spectrum cannabis-derived CBD. Until the testing regulations change I will continue to highly recommend cannabis from licensed dispensaries whenever possible, and prevent any hemp-derived products from being sold at BSCB.

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